Useful links

Magento Installation

Magento Configuration

How to optimize Magento performance


Athlete Theme installation

3rd-party Extensions

Will my extension work with your theme?

Our theme (and any other custom theme) isn’t compatible with all third-party extensions by default. You often (not always) need to customize the extension to make it work properly with your theme. It’s impossible for theme author to make the theme compatible with all existing extensions. Only default Magento theme is compatible with all third-party extensions, because all extensions are designed to work with default Magento theme.

Most common case is a conflict, when extension and theme override the same Magento template file. In such cases you need to customize conflict template and merge extension into theme template

Extensions Installation

You need to check if an extension use base/default theme – in doing so you are utilising the
hierarchy Magento provides, allowing your theme to be portable and easy to extend by clients wishing to do so.

If it use default/default theme – you will need to copy extension layout files and templates into
athlete/default theme.

PHP & JS Errors


  1. Please double check that all files were uploaded
  2. Check system requirements: http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-base/entry/how-do-i-know-if-my-server-is-compatible-with-magento
  3. Most common problem is low memory limit. To fix it, you need to increase memory limit in .htaccess or php.ini. If your hosting does not allow that, please, contact your hosting support
    memory_limit = 32M  # php.ini
    ini_set('memory_limit', '32M'); # in php script
    php_value memory_limit 32M # htaccess
  4. Another common problem is lack of time limit. To fix it, you need to edit index.php. Insert set_time_limit(0); in the beginnig of index.php


Usually php fatal error is not theme related issue. Best solution is to search on magento forums or google with exact error string.


The problem is that some ( or several ) of plugins installed in your system include another version of jquery library after all our libraries were loaded. It override jQuery object with all jquery libraries that was loaded by our theme.

Check plugin files and comment out jquery. It should be loaded via layout xml.
Usually layout files located in app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/ or app/design/frontend/default/default/layout

magento basics


Current Configuration Scope list, at the top of the left Configuration panel, defines
the range in which the configuration settings are applied. Some configuration settings apply
globally to everything in the site, while others are more limited in scope. If you
have multiple stores on your website, you can change the scope and make different
configurations settings for each store.

Scope of the configuration is shown in [square brackets] to the right of the setting.
To set current configuration scope:

From the Admin panel, select System > Configuration.
In the upper-left Current Configuration Scope list, choose scope of the settings
you want to make.
To see current store configuration, click Manage Stores.

Scope Settings

  • Default Configuration – Configuration at the Default level applies to all websites if a website or store specific value is not set.
  • Main Website – Configuration at Main Website scope, like Default, applies across all stores and store views. Certain settings, like Table Rates, can be made only with a Main Website scope.
  • Main Store – Configuration at Store scope applies only to the specific store
  • Storeview (English, Spanish, etc) – Store views are used to configure language or country specific settings.

For more information, see Understanding Store Scopes.

empty navigation

The first level of categories are used for the STORE ROOTS only, and are NOT shown in
the top navigation.

Categories from the 2nd level and downward are shown in that store’s top navigation.
If your categories do not show up in your store, they are most likely NOT correctly
assigned to the root category for the store.

You just need to define root category for your store. If you do not create any store,
place all categories under default category

Please, check these links:

Do not forget to clean cache, magento use cache heavily


Please check this article –
To turn on layered navigation for categories do following steps for all categories:

  • – select category to edit
  • – switch to “Display Settings” tab
  • – set “Is Anchor” – Yes

Do not forget to reindex data and clear cache.


You can add links to top menu using local.xml file (default path is app\design\frontend\athlete\default\layout )

To do this, add action method “addLink” to default / root / top.links, see code below:

Sample code of a custom link with full list of parametres:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="root">
            <reference name="top.links">
                <!-- Add custom links. Pretty self-explanatory.
                Dig into app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Template/Links.php for more info -->
                <action method="addLink" translate="label title">
                    <label>About Us</label>
                    <url>about</url>  <!-- can use full url also -->
                    <title>About Us</title>
                    <prepare>true</prepare> <!-- set true if adding base url param -->
                    <urlParams helper="core/url/getHomeUrl"/> <!-- base url - thanks @Russ! -->
                    <!-- there are a few param you can send to do different things in <urlParams> 
                             dig into app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Url.php, around line 803 -->                   
                    <!-- below adds #add-fragment to the end of your url -->
                    <!-- <urlParams><_fragment>add-fragment</_fragment></urlParams> -->
                    <!-- below adds ?add-query to the end of your url -->
                    <!-- <urlParams><_query>add-fragment</_query></urlParams> -->
                    <!-- below gives you a new session id (i think...)-->
                    <!-- <urlParams><_nosid>true</_nosid></urlParams> -->
                    <!-- below replaces double quotes, single quotes, greater than, and less than signs 
                             to their respective url escaped replacements (%22, %27, %3E, %3C) -->
                    <!-- <urlParams><_escape>i'm-a-blog-url</_escape></urlParams> -->


To remove links use following sample code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="root">
            <reference name="top.links">
                <!-- Removes 'My Account' link - Default position: 10 -->
                <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="customer/getAccountUrl"/></action>
                <!-- Removes 'Wishlist' link - Default position: 20 -->
                <!-- for Magento 1.3.x -->
                <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="wishlist/"/></action>
                <!-- for Magento 1.4.x -->
                <remove name="wishlist_link"/>
                <!-- Removes 'My Cart' AND 'Checkout' links
                Default position: 40 and 50 respectively -->
                <remove name="checkout_cart_link"/>
                <!-- To re-add 'My Cart' or 'Checkout' after removing both -->
                <block type="checkout/links" name="checkout_cart_link_custom">
                    <action method="addCartLink"></action>
                    <action method="addCheckoutLink"></action>

Remove link specifically for logged in and out users.

        <!-- Removes 'Log In' link - Default position: 60 -->
        <reference name="top.links">
            <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="customer/getLoginUrl"/></action>
        <!-- Removes 'Log Out' link - Default position: 60 -->
        <reference name="top.links">
            <action method="removeLinkByUrl"><url helper="customer/getLogoutUrl"/></action>


If you want to move your installation from development directory or domain, you need to follow this steps.

  • copy magento files to new location
  • clear var/cache, var/session folders
  • update db credentials in app/etc/local.xml ( if needed )
  • make dump of mysql database and import it to new database
  • open your mysql client ( e.g. phpmyadmin, heidi ) and run this query in live database
    UPDATE core_config_data SET value = 'http://your_domain.com/' WHERE path LIKE 'web/%/base_url';
  • You’re done.

custom subtheme

How to create custom subtheme?

  • Create new folder in app/design/frontend/athlete/. For example:

    Copy files you want to update from app/design/frontend/athlete/default
    to appropriate folder in new theme

    For example if you want to override header template:

    app/design/frontend/athlete/default/template/page/html/header.phtml to app/design/frontend/athlete/custom/template/page/html/header.phtml

    apply your changes to template in your custom theme.

  • If you plan to update css and/or images:
    Create new folder in skin/frontend/athlete/. For
    example: skin/frontend/athlete/custom

    Copy files you want to update from app/design/frontend/athlete/custom
    to appropriate folder in new theme

How to switch to your custom subtheme?

  • Login to admin
  • Go to System > Configuration > Design. Open “Themes” section
  • In most cases, if the “package” is set in the Current Package field above, all these fields can remain
    blank. Magento will go to the default directory in the “package” directory to find the customized files.

    If you want a theme variant of your “package” to be the default theme, the easiest way to change your
    theme is to enter your theme variant name in the “Default” field in this section, leaving all other
    options in this section blank. For example, if you want your “custom” theme to be the default theme
    for the website, enter “custom” in the default field here.

    Magento looks for files like this:
    Current package’s “custom” theme > Current package’s default theme > Magento Base folder.

    You can also mix and match components from various themes using the other fields in this section.
    For example, if you want to use the CSS from the “custom_2” theme with your custom theme, enter
    “custom_2” in the “Skin (images/css)” option box and leave the default box set to “custom”.



To change store language please do following steps:

  • – install original translation from magento connect. All available
    translations can be found here http://www.magentocommerce.com/translations
  • – create app/design/frontend/athete/default/locale/[your_locale]/
  • – copy app/design/frontend/athete/default/locale/en_US/translate.csv
    to new locale folder and translate it
  • – switch store locale to your new language in System > Configuration > General
  • – refresh cache ( System > Cache management )

HOW DO I Change Newsletter “SIGN UP & GET 10% OFF0” or ANY TEXT IN THEME )?

To change any text in theme you need to use translate file.

Default Translate file is located
in app/design/frontend/athete/default/locale/en_US/translate.csv.

Please note
that translate file located in en_US folder. This means that translations contained
in file applied only if store used English ( United States ) locale, which is
corresponding to en_US

In order for translation to work, you need to edit it with your favorite text editor.
but DO NOT use EXCEL
File contain strings in following format:

 "Shopping cart","Bag"

Shopping cart – original text string
Bag – updated text


how to change color of purchase link in menu

Here is the code from the “purchase” static block used in our theme:

<li class="level0 level-top purchase-yellow">
<a class="level-top" href="http://themeforest.net/item/athlete-responsive-magento-theme/7190141?ref=olegnax" > 

You can add following code to override.css to adjust the link colors:

1. Copy the file “default.override.css” and rename it to “override.css”.
2. Enable it in the admin panel Olegnax-> Athlete->Theme appearance->Customization

 #nav > li.purchase-yellow > a span {color:#adb903}
 #nav > li.purchase-yellow > a:hover {background-color:#adb903}
 #nav > li.purchase-yellow > a:hover span {color:#fff}

how to move additional menu links to the left

Check this link – http://help.olegnax.com/discussion/3580/menu#Item_13


how to turn off twitter or any other block on the sidebar

You need to edit local.xml to edit blocks in sidebar.

It is different for each language/store view. Default path is app\design\frontend\athlete\default\layout

To remove twitter, find and replace/comment following code:

<block type="athlete/social_twitter" name="athlete.sidebar.twitter" as="athlete_twitter" template="olegnax/social/twitter/left.phtml" />

how to change the order of blocks on the left side bar


how to add new block to the side bar

By adding reference in local.xml, but the code is depends on type of block:


how to add sidebar to a product page

1. For single product

You can change layout for specific product page from admin panel:

2. For all products

But if you want to change it for all product pages, you’ll have to edit ..app\design\frontend\athlete\default\layout\local.xml file.

Find following code:

<catalog_product_view translate="label">
		<reference name="root">
			<action method="setTemplate">

and change




Please note, that local.xml file can be different for each store view. So tha path will be like this: app\design\frontend\athlete\YOUR LANGUAGE\layout\local.xml

how to add categories list to sidebar on product page

You’ll have to edit ..app\design\frontend\athlete\default\layout\local.xml file.

Search for this tag:


and add following code:

<reference name="left">
			<block type="olegnaxmegamenu/megamenu" name="olegnaxmegamenu.megamenu.left" as="megamenuLeft" template="olegnax/megamenu/left.phtml" before="-" />

So the result will be like this:

<reference name="root">
			<action method="setTemplate">
		<reference name="left">
			<block type="olegnaxmegamenu/megamenu" name="olegnaxmegamenu.megamenu.left" as="megamenuLeft" template="olegnax/megamenu/left.phtml" before="-" />

Please note, that local.xml file can be different for each store view. So tha path will be like this: app\design\frontend\athlete\YOUR LANGUAGE\layout\local.xml

how to change blocks in blog sidebar

Blog sidebar block can be edited in \app\design\frontend\athlete\default\layout\aw_blog.xml

I.E. to remove twitter block, you need to comment out following line in this file:

<block type="athlete/social_twitter" name="athlete.sidebar.twitter.right" as="athlete_twitter_right" template="olegnax/social/twitter/left.phtml" />


Custom Options/Attributes position on product page

Layout for the product comes in two variations below and right to the image.

  • Go your Catalog -> Manage Products
  • select your product
  • switch to”Design” tab
  • and choose “Product Info Column” in “Display Product Options In” drop down.

How can I edit / remove Custom Tab 1 and Custom Tab 2 for Products?

Simply find static blocks with following identifiers “athlete_custom_tab1”, “athlete_custom_tab2” in CMS->Static blocks and disable/edit them.

These custom tabs are same for all products. You can learn how to add specific tab for each product here.

Thumbnail Images in blog are not displayed

Athlete theme versions up to 1.4.2 comes with support of ahead works blog version 1.3.2 only.

You can choose what version of blog to install in “Release notes” tab on extension install page.

Retina images in CMS blocks

Our theme supports high resolution images for retina screens.

Lets take athlete_logo block as an example.

  • Login to admin and go to CMS > Static Blocks
  • Select block with Identifier = athlete_logo. In content text area you will see a code similar to this one
    <img class="retina" width="153" height="43" src="{{media url="olegnax/athlete/logo.png"}}" alt="Athlete Premium magento theme" />
  • There are 3 important parameters to support retina screens.
    1. Width & Height
    2. class=”retina”

    It is very important for an image to have these 3 parameters. Width and height should be equal to dimensions of
    an image for regular screens. Class=”retina” define that this image should be reloaded for retina

  • When you upload a new logo you will need to upload 2 images:
    your_logo.png – normal size image for regular screens
    your_logo_2x.png – double size image for retina screens
    Please note that a retina image has a different file name – your_logo_2x – you should add this to original image name

    You need to select an image for regular screen and insert the content textarea


To mark product as “New” do following steps:

  • 1. Go to Catalog > Manage Products and select product.
  • 2. In General tab you will find two fields: Set Product as New from Date
    and Set Product as New to Date. Fill them and press save.
  • 3. If you use caching go to System > Index management and reindex data.
    After that go to System > Cache management.
    Select all items, select disable in actions and click submit.

To mark product as “Sale” do following steps:

  • 1. Go to Catalog > Manage Products and select product.
  • 2. In Price tab fill following fields: Special price, Special price from Date
    and Special price to Date
  • 3. If you use caching go to System > Index management and reindex data.
    After that go to System > Cache management.
    Select all items, select disable in actions and click submit.

Where can I edit contacts page?

1. You can edit contact page content in two statick blocks: athlete_contacts_block1 and athlete_contacts_block2 (CMS -> Static Blocks)

2. Map code located in athlete_google_map static block.

3. If you want to edit form you’ll have to edit form.phtml in \app\design\frontend\athlete\default\template\contacts

Minor customizations

theme skins

Our theme comes with quickstart package. It is exact copy of our preview and contain 9 theme styles with all of the static blocks and pages. So you can install it as a guide i.e. on your localhost. But if, for some reason, you can’t do it and want to make you’re clean installation looks like one of our theme previews, here is the screenshots of specific theme preview settings:

Support Policy

We understand that there is a fine line between what is considered support & modifications. We will try help you with any type of query, but we can’t provide extensive help in terms of modifications.

If you’re not familar with magento and having troubles with installation, or want to make changes that go beyond our basic support, you can order customization services.

If you have found any bugs or have some other problems with this theme, please post your topic on our help forum and our staff will put its best to help you